Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Isaiah 2:2
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
What does it mean?
Enthronement is act of putting a believer into it right place or throne with a large ceremony.
Divine is simply, supernatural, what comes from God.
Divine enthronement is enthronement from above God. That is, God putting believer into it rightful place or throne in all aspect of life, being ministry, family, marriage, business, career, education and so on. 
But everyone must pray their way into enthronement like David in Cave of Adullam.
You cannot be enthroned until you clear all barriers out of the way. In First Samuel 17, you can see clearly what it takes to fight your way into enthronement. No matter how David was anointed to be king, he fight battles, alot of battles before enthronement.
We can marry this fight to the prayers we are praying or will need to pray. Because Prayer Altar is a battle Altar. Until we engage the Goliath of our life in battle through the weapon of prayer, we cannot be enthroned.
There are a lot of things that looks like Goliath before our throne, it could be sin, we must clear them off for our enthronement to come fast.
I want you to have this consciousness as David, that God is with you.
David said if God can save him from lion and bear, Goliath will not be the problem
In this battle and at last He become the Greatest King of Israel till date. 
You are not alone as long as you are a believer. To as many that receive and believe him he gave them power to become the sons of God.
We have access to God's power as David said. His access to God's power when he encounter lion and bear bring down Goliath and others. When enthronement takes place, it means that we have officially been given authority to operate and preside over that which we have been placed over.
Israelite was about to be enthroned by God, but Pharaoh stand against them, But God killed all of them. God cannot leave his children alone.
There are forces that want to talk us out of our rightful place in life. David did not listen to the counsel of people around including his brother, because he knows that God is with him. Many of us listen to a lot of wrong counsel that is why we are where we are today. 
God shall arise for our enthronement in Jesus name..
Personal Supplication
• Lord put in me the key David, Joseph, Moses used for their enthronement.

• Lord, you said in your word that, wherever the sole of our feet shall touch that have you given to us, you have enthroned us and given us kingdoms, father wherever we find ourselves we take authority, the land is subject to us and it answers to our command.

√. Father by your covenant, established the Church above all evil mountains and divinely enthrone her to it right position on earth in Jesus name.
√. Father in the name of Jesus, according to your word that says we have been placed in Christ above principalities and powers, let the Church and the believers begin to exercise authority over powers and principalities.
√. Father in the name of Jesus, your word say that we have been given authority to trample upon snakes and scorpion, by this Divine enthronement Lord let the Church begin to trample upon the wicked and their forces, let the believers exercise authority over the Operations of the wicked.
√.  Enthrone your ministers, every servant and worker in your vineyard, secret labourers father let there Divine enthronement in their lives, just as you made opportunity available and enthroned David oh Lord do it again.

The throne you don't qualify for,  God will give it to you.

Written by
Warrior Mayowa.

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