Tuesday, October 18, 2022


Don't ever give up on God. No matter how hard your situation is God can change it, just believe and walk before Him and you will have your testimony.

Thursday, September 15, 2022


Every true believer must be a praying believer, because prayer is lifestyle of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if indeed He is your Lord and Saviour you must pray, because prayer is one of the instructions giving to us by Him.
CWI Pray will help you.
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Monday, August 8, 2022


Every true believer must be a praying believer, because prayer is lifestyle of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if indeed He is your Lord and Saviour you must pray, because prayer is one of the instructions giving to us by Him.
CWI Pray will help you.
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Tuesday, July 19, 2022


Isaiah 2:2
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD'S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
What does it mean?
Enthronement is act of putting a believer into it right place or throne with a large ceremony.
Divine is simply, supernatural, what comes from God.
Divine enthronement is enthronement from above God. That is, God putting believer into it rightful place or throne in all aspect of life, being ministry, family, marriage, business, career, education and so on. 
But everyone must pray their way into enthronement like David in Cave of Adullam.
You cannot be enthroned until you clear all barriers out of the way. In First Samuel 17, you can see clearly what it takes to fight your way into enthronement. No matter how David was anointed to be king, he fight battles, alot of battles before enthronement.
We can marry this fight to the prayers we are praying or will need to pray. Because Prayer Altar is a battle Altar. Until we engage the Goliath of our life in battle through the weapon of prayer, we cannot be enthroned.
There are a lot of things that looks like Goliath before our throne, it could be sin, we must clear them off for our enthronement to come fast.
I want you to have this consciousness as David, that God is with you.
David said if God can save him from lion and bear, Goliath will not be the problem
In this battle and at last He become the Greatest King of Israel till date. 
You are not alone as long as you are a believer. To as many that receive and believe him he gave them power to become the sons of God.
We have access to God's power as David said. His access to God's power when he encounter lion and bear bring down Goliath and others. When enthronement takes place, it means that we have officially been given authority to operate and preside over that which we have been placed over.
Israelite was about to be enthroned by God, but Pharaoh stand against them, But God killed all of them. God cannot leave his children alone.
There are forces that want to talk us out of our rightful place in life. David did not listen to the counsel of people around including his brother, because he knows that God is with him. Many of us listen to a lot of wrong counsel that is why we are where we are today. 
God shall arise for our enthronement in Jesus name..
Personal Supplication
• Lord put in me the key David, Joseph, Moses used for their enthronement.

• Lord, you said in your word that, wherever the sole of our feet shall touch that have you given to us, you have enthroned us and given us kingdoms, father wherever we find ourselves we take authority, the land is subject to us and it answers to our command.

√. Father by your covenant, established the Church above all evil mountains and divinely enthrone her to it right position on earth in Jesus name.
√. Father in the name of Jesus, according to your word that says we have been placed in Christ above principalities and powers, let the Church and the believers begin to exercise authority over powers and principalities.
√. Father in the name of Jesus, your word say that we have been given authority to trample upon snakes and scorpion, by this Divine enthronement Lord let the Church begin to trample upon the wicked and their forces, let the believers exercise authority over the Operations of the wicked.
√.  Enthrone your ministers, every servant and worker in your vineyard, secret labourers father let there Divine enthronement in their lives, just as you made opportunity available and enthroned David oh Lord do it again.

The throne you don't qualify for,  God will give it to you.

Written by
Warrior Mayowa.

Tuesday, July 12, 2022


MATTHEW 6:24-25
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing.

Dethroning Mammon
This is the current evil spirit on board and it has gain attention of many persons. They are now after worshipping the spirit of mammon.

What is mammon?
Mammon is an evil god of money on earth. Mammon is otherwise known as the god of money. 
The spirit behind lust for wealth without consideration for how it is gotten.
His agenda is to make people rich in an evil way. The youths are now lovers of mammon, even the world is becoming more wicked for the rampage to get rich quickly. Many destiny has been held captive, destroyed because of this evil spirit.
Many are engaging in killings for mammon to enrich them, even the teenagers/youths are engaging in rituals to be wealthy. Mammon has really polluted the atmosphere.
Idolizing wealth is serving mammon and it is impossible to serve God alongside it.

Jesus said in the scripture above that you cannot serve mammon and God

Many are Servant of Mammon instead of God. Been prosperous is good but serving money is bad.

We are no longer a novice to the fact that the Spirit of Mammon has taking over many system, the world is so corrupt today because of the Lust for wealth.
Everyone is after money making by all midst.
• Some lie because money.
• Some kill for money.
• Some sell their body for money.
• Some worship idols for money.
• Some sacrifice their love ones for money.
• Some even denial their faith because of money.

People who are engaging in wealth in a right way are few. People now worship mammon than the God that created them including some elect.
This is a big issues we need to contend with in battle through Prayers.

That is why we must pray in other to break the hold of lust after wealth in ourlife.
We recover it back and cleanse the atmosphere with the precious blood of Jesus.

√. Every influence of Mammon in my life, in the life of youths, teenagers, let it be uprooted in Jesus name.

. Father I want to be a faithful steward of what you have given me, I received grace not to follow after manmmon in Jesus name.

. Let there be a drastic change of thinking, let the roots of Mammon in my minds corrupting the concept of wealth and prosperity be destroyed in Jesus name.

• I will not serve money, it is money that will serve me.
• I will not be servant of money, money shall be my servant.
• I can't be slave to treasures of this world
Treasures shall be my slave.
• My pocket will not dry.
In Jesus Name. Amen

Thank you for reading, help us share it on any social media you belong to.. You can save one person through it.

Written by:
Warrior Mayowa.
CWI Team.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

F.E.A.R. by CWI Team

Fear is a potent weapon in the hand of the devil against believers. Fear is a torment,  and we must conquer it. 

Fear is one of the efficient tools of the devil and he has used this tool to keep many trapped in one place.

Fear is a thing of the mind, and as we learn last week everything is decided in the mind, so when one becomes fearful and accept defeat in the mind, he also become paralyzed physically and cannot do otherwise.
Fear incapacitates someone, cripples us and keeps us from reaching our full potential.

We're led to do something and the first thing the enemy does is to attack our confidence through fear, you begin to have a lot of "what if" thoughts. Fear had kept multitude from advancing, from conquering and made us less of who we are in Christ.
It is noteworthy that when we live in fear, we're not pleasing God. He said that he has not given us a spirit of fear but of a sound mind. He expects us to not bow to fear but be confident, bold and sound.

Even when the task set before us is grave it seems big, we're not to allow fear keep us.

Numbers 13:33
And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

The Israelites were defeated even before they encountered the Amalekites and Cannanites, they were scared because of the size of the sons of Anak and they called themselves grasshoppers. They declared their defeat before they had a chance to fight. And God referred to them an evil congregation. These are people I had time that I would give them this land and defeat anyone that stands against them but here they are scared of what they see, forgetting my words and calling me a lair.
Imagine,  calling themselves grasshoppers.  Kaiii😭😭😭

When we fear, we are simply saying the one who said He is with us is smaller than what I'm seeing.
That my village the idols there are too big, I can never go and visit. Even though God is asking you to go and destroy the idols.

Numbers 14:9  
Only rebel not ye against the LORD, neither fear ye the people of the land; for they are bread for us: their defence is departed from them, and the LORD is with us: fear them not.

This was the response of one who allowed the Spirit of boldness to speak through him. The Bible said Caleb had another spirit, while the Israelites had the spirit of fear, Caleb had the spirit of boldness and sound mind.
That another spirit which the Bible said Caleb possessed shall become our possession.

When we read through our Bible we see God always telling his people fear not, don't worry even though it looks rough don't fear because once you fear, you become defeated and hence call God a lair, saying that he cannot do what he said.

When he called Jeremiah he told him, don't look at their scary faces, don't consider them even if they look scary don't be scared, I'll give you words, I'm sending you to uproot, and to plant be confident in me
The people who were scared magnified their enemies.

But it was that enemy that Caleb referred to as bread.
What Caleb was saying is this people are bread for my God, he would trample them before they know it.
Fear can manifest in different way but we shall break free in Jesus name.

*Fear Not*

I believe that what God is saying is don't give in to fear.

When Caleb saw the Anaks I'm sure he took note of their size but he didn't give in to what the enemy wanted him to see, rather he sought for another voice.

Prayer Point
√. Father every operation of the spirit of fear in my life, let it be destroyed now.
√. Father deliver me from fear.
√. Father,  we stand on the authority of the word of God that declares that no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper,  therefore we destroy every weapons of fear fired in the lives of believers in Jesus name.
√. That thing that is long over due, that project that is long over due, that assignment, that instruction which I have neglected because of fear, I receive boldness to actualize it in Jesus name.
√. Father in the name of Jesus, let your spirit of boldness posses every believer and cast away the operation of the spirit of fear.

There are ministers and ministries that would have conquered the territory which they are but have allowed fear to keep them. One small babalawo is using chicken blood to inflict fear into them, God fill them with the spirit of boldness.


Written by
CWI Team.

Saturday, July 2, 2022


Every true believer must be a praying believer, because prayer is lifestyle of our Lord Jesus Christ, and if indeed He is your Lord and Saviour you must pray, because prayer is one of the instructions giving to us by Him.

*CWI Pray will help you.*
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Friday, July 1, 2022



TEXT: Romans 8: 5-6
5. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. 
6. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Your mind is the Headquarters of decisions, what you give your mind, is what will rule your mind.
The mind is so powerful and so sensitive to what happen around you, because what happen around you is what the mind ponder on.  

He input his deceit in the mind of people in other to enthrone them negatively, that is why our mind must be guided always.

The way the Holy Spirit want to get attention of the mind is also the way satan is fighting to get our attention. If he is able to manipulate our mind with wrong thought, he get access to our relationship with God.

That is why we must pray and battle the mind out of the world consciousness to heavenly consciousness.

But satan we not rest, he will keep bring thought that doesn't glorify God into our mind in other to disconnect us from the voice of the moment, the voice of God.

The mind likes the things of this world, that is why the word of God say, our mind must be renewed always and not limited to this world.

So one of the most important things we need to learn and teach others is how to guard, strengthen, and renew our minds, because the battle for sin always starts in the mind.


√. I have the mind of Christ, I cannot be confused because I am in Union with Christ.

√. I declare that I have a healthy mind, one that is not broken or disconnected but rightly wired to receive instructions from the Lord. 

√. My mind is under the influence of the Holy Spirit. I have accurate understanding into the will of God and my eyes are enlightened.

Written by:
Warrior Mayowa